Using Web Design to Enhance Your Magento Online Store

Keep It Current

Users have come to expect a certain level of web design in the sites they visit. If your site looks outdated, they may bounce. Or, if your site is poorly designed and difficult to navigate, this could also make visitors leave your site in favour of a modern, well designed site with intuitive navigation.


This is not to say your site has to have the latest in cutting edge design, but it’s best if your site does not look “old.” Old, in the internet age would be “skeuomorphic.” Skeuomorphism was the design trend in the 90s and early 2000s where buttons were shaded to look 3D and there was heavy use of gradients and drop shadows. These days Brisbane ecommerce websites trend toward “flat design,” where everything looks 2D with no gradients or drop shadows. Large “hero images” also figure prominently on many modern sites.

Clean Product Images and Descriptions

When featuring products, it’s best to have a sharp and clear image with a white background. This highlights the product in the best and cleanest way. It’s ok though to include other photos showing the product being used, or close ups of various features, but the main photo should be the one with the white background.

Tabbed product information is a good design technique to keep all of a product’s features segmented and accessible. For example, one tab could contain the product description, another could feature specifications, one for shipping info, warranty, and so on.

Navigation and Contentweb_design_services.11-18.web_content

Navigation needs to be clear and consistent from page to page. The elements of the navigation should stand out so they are visible against the background. It’s also a good idea to include “breadcrumbs” so users know where they are within the context of the website as a whole and can navigate out to other sections if desired.

And last but definitely not least is the inclusion of quality content. Quality content is an element of design that will engage users, and be relevant, timely and useful. The trick is designing your site in a way that this content is accessible when it is needed and wanted. Having a dedicated section of your site for content is one approach, for instance having an area for your blog, news, or videos that is clearly indicated. Good content will keep visitors on your site longer, build trust, and prime them for a purchase. When you’re working with a Brisbane eCommerce websites designer who practices these the latest design elements, your site will look great.

The above suggestions are just a few ways you can use web design to enhance your Magento ecommerce store. If you’d like help with your Magento store, contact Alinga Ecommerce, a Brisbane agency specialising in Magento ecommerce.

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